Amber Jewelry Safety Guide

Here are some important tips to keep in mind for safely using amber jewelry for children:

Prevent Choking Hazards:

Don't let the child chew on the necklace or bracelet.
Kids under three should wear amber jewelry under adult supervision to avoid choking risks.
Take off the jewelry when the child is unsupervised or sleeping.

Proper Use Instructions:

Place the jewelry against the child's skin, not in their mouth or for playing.
Always watch over the child while they wear the jewelry.

Care Tips:

Handle the delicate jewelry gently to avoid damage.
Remove jewelry before bathing or swimming.
Clean with mild soap and water if needed, and dry it carefully.
Keep away from chemicals like creams, perfumes, and soaps to prevent damage.
Store amber separately from metal jewelry.

Following these guidelines will help keep the jewelry safe and in good condition for longer.