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Frequent Questions About Amber
Frequent Questions About Amber
What Is Baltic Amber?
Baltic amber is the fossilized tree resin of ancient conifer trees that grew in the Baltic region 40-60 million years ago. Baltic amber is the only type of amber that has a rich concentration of succinic acid (3-8 %), a scientifically examined medical substance used in contemporary medicine. The highest concentration of the succinic acid is found in the amber cortex, the external layer of the stone. Scientific research on authentic Baltic amber has contributed specific documentation that provides evidence of Baltic amber’s healing powers. There are so many ways in which you can benefit from Baltic amber’s soothing relief of headaches, sore neck, sore throat and chest congestion.
What Products Are Made From Baltic Amber?
These days amber is used to produce not only jewelry but also items with curative properties. These products are very popular and in high demand:
- therapeutic amber beads (necklaces, anklets and bracelets) for teething babies
- therapeutic amber beads (necklaces, anklets and bracelets) for adults
- protective amber collars for dogs and cats
- amber ointments
- amber pads, tapes, mattresses
What Are The Proven Therapeutical Properties of Amber?
Among other therapeutical benefits, Baltic Amber has soothing effects on teething babies, as well as repelling power against ticks, lice and fleas (for your pet). Isn’t it amazing? While scientists continue to debate the mechanism behind the Baltic Amber phenomenon, families across the world reap the benefits. Below please find a list of proven curative properties for adults and children:
For Adults
- Controls the pain of rheumatism, arthritis, aching muscles and joints.
- Anti-anxiety remedy that gets rid of fatigue and weariness, improves self-confidence.
- Relieves headaches, sore neck, sore throat and chest congestion.
For Children
- Soothes and calms teething symptoms
- Reduces pain and inflammation
- Reduces drooling
- Fights allergies and rashes
- Helps fight sleep problems
- Boosts the immune system
- Heals and supports naturally
How Does Amber Work?
While scientists continue to debate the mechanism behind amber’s mysterious effects, the secret most probably lies in succinic acid. Baltic amber is the only type of amber that has a rich concentration (3-8 %) of this acid. One theory has it that succinic acid is released from the gems in response to the warmth of the body and absorbed through the skin. The acid’s natural analgesic effect then takes place.
There are also other theories that attempt to explain how wearing amber on the skin can have a soothing and calming effect on teething babies or control the pain of rheumatism, aching muscles and joint pain for adults. For example, another theory is based on scientific findings that have shown that amber is electromagnetically active and, therefore, charged with a significant amount of organic energy. Its special attribute is electronegativity. Wearing amber produces negative ionization on the skin’s surface. This, in turn, has a positive influence on the human body. The negative ions assist in the prevention of illness. These health-promoting effects apply to babies, children and adults alike. Allopathic medicine also recognizes Amber's anti-inflammatory and therapeutic properties.
In Austria, Switzerland and Germany, you will find amber teething necklaces sold in local pharmacies. Pharmacists and doctors have long known about the healing properties of amber that include calmative, analgesic, antispasmodic, expectorant, and febrifuge (anti-fever) functions.
Are Amber Beads Safe To Wear For Teething Babies?
The beads are designed with your baby’s safety as a paramount requirement. “Baltic Secret” is a family-run enterprise, therefore we take extra precautions to keep your littles ones safe and happy at all times. All of our teething beads are crafted in a way that prevents any potential child safety hazard. However, certain precautions must be taken into consideration.
Just like any necklace, there is the possibility that it may break if enough force is used. However, we do our best to ensure our products are as safe as possible, and it is unlikely that your baby will have the strength to break it.
In all cases we make sure that the beads are knotted individually to prevent scattering if broken. So if the necklace or anklet does happen to break, only one of the small beads will fall off.
The clasp should always be plastic, never metal or sterling silver. The plastic screw clasp is the safest option because it will pop and pull apart in the event of too much pressure. Another reason to have a plastic screw clasp is to avoid allergies (many babies are allergic to different types of metals).
Amber teething necklaces and bracelets are made to wear, not to chew!
The length of the necklaces and bracelets is usually short – so they don’t catch on things easily.
What Are The Natural Colors Of Amber?
Baltic amber comes in different colors. The most popular are yellow and brown. The color range includes white, yellow, brown, red and blue. White, red and green amber is very rare, ant the blue color is the rarest and most expensive of them all. Amber can be transparent or opaque.
Does Amber Color Or Method Of Processing Have Any Impact On Healing Effect?
In terms of therapeutical properties, all amber colors are equally good and effective. However, there have been cases when people with extrasensory abilities have witnessed that some amber colors are more energetically active and, therefore, more suitable to heal specific diseases.
There is a significant difference between raw and polished amber beads. Only raw amber beads retain its maximum healing properties as it contains more succinic oils. Generally the rule applies that the less processing the amber stone goes through, the more therapeutic potential it retains.
Polished Or Raw: Which Amber Beads Are Better?
Polished see-through beads are far more common in baby necklaces and anklets, but it is a secret known only to amber experts that to produce the polished see-through effect, the amber stone must go through a specific procedure which deprives the stone of some its natural oils. So, if your primary concern is to help a teething baby, then look no further and choose raw amber beads. Raw amber has more natural succinic oils and is more efficient.
On the other hand, polished amber is valued for its durability and nice see-through looks. It also contains enough succinic oils to be considered as a natural healing remedy. Please also note that raw amber is more fragile, whereas polished amber is extremely durable.
Necklace, Bracelet Or Anklet: What Is Best For Your Baby?
In terms of therapeutic effect, there is no fundamental difference between a bracelet and an anklet. However, anklets are considered to be safer to wear, especially for babies from 2 to 8 months. As all children are prone to put things in their mouth, we recommend wearing anklets because you can put it under the sock and it’s harder for your baby to reach it.
Each set of amber beads has a natural power of its own. Therefore, caring families often get a combination to better safeguard the harmony of their loved ones. Amber enthusiasts have shared stories that the amber effect increases if a baby wears a set of two bracelets/anklets or a set of a necklace and one or two bracelets/anklets. The more interaction points Baltic amber has with the baby’s skin, the stronger the expected effect.
How To Choose The Right Size?
It’s very easy. You just need to measure your baby’s neck, ankle or wrist, and you’ll know the right size. Take a simple thread or a string and wrap it around your baby’s neck, wrist or ankle. For a good fit please leave a gap:
- 2-3 finger gap for necklaces
- one finger gap for bracelets and anklets
Please make sure the necklace you’re getting is not too long so that your baby won’t be able to put it in the mouth easily.
How Often Should A Baby Wear Amber Beads To Maximize The Curative Effect?
The answer is simple - as often as possible. Let your baby wear amber beads all day long. Some parents decide to leave amber beads on during the night sleep as well. However, it is recommended to take the beads off whenever your baby doesn’t have supervision.
Amber teething beads may be worn by babies as young as 8 weeks old, or as soon as the baby starts teething or showing any signs of pain or discomfort from teething.
Can Teething Necklaces Be Worn During Sleep?
Because infants and children move around during their sleep, we recommend removing the necklace whenever your child is without supervision.
What Happens If Amber Beads Get Torn?
The strings used in our amber necklaces, anklets and bracelets are very strong, and it is not easy to break them. However, if the string would break, only one bead would come off. This is because each bead is knotted individually. What is also important is that the beads are light and small - too small for a child to choke on in the very unlikely event of swallowing.
What About Swimming And Bathing?
Please remove the beads before swimming or bathing. While the string will cope with getting wet, the chlorine and other chemicals used in swimming and spa pools, as well as the detergents in bath soaps and shampoos will have a detrimental effect on the cotton threading. If the necklace, anklet or bracelet does get wet, it is essential that it should be removed and thoroughly dried before it is worn again.
How Does Amber Work For Pets?
A Baltic Amber collar effectively repels fleas, ticks and lice as your pet roams outdoors. A natural alternative to chemicals, these adorable collars also give your dog or cat a classy look. The protective mechanism is twofold: 1) Amber contains an aromatic substance called terpenes. This produces a resinous aroma which derives from the friction between amber and fur. The release of resinous aromatic terpenes is what repels ticks, lice and fleas 2) Amber has an electrical resistance. Friction with the animal’s fur produces an electrostatic effect. Your pet doesn’t feel it, but the ticks do. The electric shock works as an effective repellent against them.