Quality & Authenticity

The booming demand for amber products has resulted in a great deal of sub-standard supply. Many vendors, especially online merchants, are selling low-rate amber, pressed amber, copal or even fake amber. The sad thing is that first-timers often have a hard time telling the difference. And the scientific procedures used to determine the quality and authenticity of amber are way too costly to be a realistic option for most consumers. Trust, therefore, is a paramount issue.

Trustworthy Vendor. The “Baltic Secret” brand is founded in the values of responsibility, professionalism, respect, and a burning passion for genuine amber and all there is to know about it. The commitment is multifaceted.

Authentic origin. All of our amber is imported directly from the amber mines of Kaliningrad. This means that our Baltic amber is truly “Baltic” and authentic (extracted from the Baltic Sea, home to the best amber in the world). With love… From the depths of the sea.

First Class. Authentic amber comes in different qualities. We purchase only first-rate raw Baltic amber gems. When it comes to amber’s curative effects on teething babies or protective effects on your pets, our amber is up to 50% more effective than low-rate amber. From family to families… only the best.

Beauty and Safety. The curative amber beads are hand-crafted in Lithuania, home to the world’s greatest amber artisans. “Baltic Secret” amber products are handcrafted to guarantee real jewelry charm and product safety. All precautions are taken to ensure that amber beads are safe to wear.

“Baltic Secret”. From Family to Families.

Europe’s #1 Online Vendor of Authentic Baltic Amber.